Friday, October 31, 2008

Dance of the Baby Hippos

Our ward had a Relief Society Fall Social with dinner and entertainment. Bryan was recruited as part of the entertainment. He starts out the farthest on the left. And that's all that I have to say about this.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

We love aunt Lisa!

This past week my parents took a well deserved cruise, leaving all there kids behind, of course. However my sister Lisa came to stay with us and really had to put up with a lot from us so I thought I'd give a shout out to her "holla." Here is just a few of the highlights of what she had to endure from the week.
1. On Sunday we are pulling up to our not so traditional looking mormon church and Lisa asked, "what church is this?" To which Bryan replied, " the catholic church." Lisa- "WHAT? I've never been to the catholic church before."
2. Being called "Lisa Marie Presley" about a billion times, again thanks to Bryan.
3. Being woken up to the screaming and crying of little children every morning.
4. Having to watch "The Letter Factory" when I know she wanted to watch the rerun of the presidential debate.
5. Trying to say her morning prayers while be whacked in the head by a two year old. (we won't mention any names)
6. Playing "keep away" with her glasses and a two year old, multiple times.
7. Seeing her brother-in-law parade around in a tu-tu on stage at a church function. (Don't worry the video of that will be posted soon!)
8. And finally, having to witness the truely joyful moments of motherhood as her sister (that's me) tries to get her two year old to eat his dinner, gives up, and allows the child to climb on the counter. Moments later the child falls off the counter bringing down the dinner plate of rice with him all over the floor. All the while, child #2 all of a sudden has poop leaking out her diaper on to the floor and pillow, sitting behind her, and oh yeah, it's all the way up her back and into her hair too. Ahh! Isn't life grand?
Thank you Lisa for putting up with us and for cleaning up the rice! We loved having you and you are welcomed back anytime!

Sleepless in Seattle (in color)

First he was afraid of it...
Then he smiled at it...
Finally he trusted it enough to look away from it!

It was fun to get over to Seattle and take advantage of free lodging at what we like to call, "Dads second house." Too bad they can't even call it a bachlor pad, it's just a dirty little 800 sq. ft. house in an area of town that I wouldn't want to call home. But Bryan has been working over in Seattle for the past couple of months and his boss is footing the housing bill so we took advantage and called it a weekend getaway. We all had a great time.
Sadie spent most of the time eating her blanket in the stoller, but she paused for a few photo opts.
I think this was the best picture taken, notice the light shining threw the cracker. Man I'm a good photographer!I love when my children are playing together and both are happy. It's a heart warming thing to listen to Sadie laugh at Jack for doing absolutely nothing. And despite the abuse he sometimes dishes out, Jack really loves his little sister.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sleepless in Seattle

Over conference weekend Amy and the kids came down to Seattle and we had a lovely time experiencing the best Seattle has to offer. We went to Pikes Place Market and Jack and I were going to take a picture by the monster fish and one of the workers, a hispanic guy, that I initially thought was a woman, pulled the tail of the fish and it jumped and startled Jack pretty good. We also went to the aquarium and the Ballard boat locks.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I used to be good at math!

My wonderful husband pointed out all of my spelling and mathmatical errors in the post below. So I'm sorry if I confused anyone, with the age thing between Maddie and Jack. But you understood, right? I'll try to edit next time.