Sunday, June 14, 2009

Yard Work!

We spent most of the day yesterday working in our front yard. When we moved in our whole yard was way too over grown. So for the past year Bryan (with the help of my Dad) has had to put quite a bit of work in. However I think we are finally to a place where we feel pretty complete about it, that is of course until it all grows back. While most of our you who might be reading this have not seen our house, trust me, it looks the best it ever has. We put the concrete edging in a couple of weeks ago, then on Saturday, we laid no-weed fabric and new bark, and planted some new bushes and annuals. We spent a good most of the day, but our efforts were well worth it to us.
And Bryan being the great Dad that he is, indulged his children's love for digging in the dirt by making them their own little sand box. They love it and I love it too because it usually keeps them away from my tomatoes. I use the word "usually" loosely.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Wow, Amy I am so proud of your blogging! Your house looks so nice. Buying a house sure seems to provide an endless source of tasks, huh! Also, that cake looks to die for. How many pb cups do you have to use for that thing?