Tuesday, August 4, 2009

$20 and Pizza

Not many people can say that all it cost to have someone paint their house was $20 worth of caulk and some pizza. Definately a great perk to my job.


pops said...

It was totally worth the 20 and more. Nice colors. I like it! I missed you today Bryan!!!

Child of God said...

What a beautiful home Amy. This is the first time I have seen it.

Rischel said...

AMy, I will let it slide this time since you were with family. But next time you head over to Tri Cities, you are giving us a call!!
hope you are doing well!


Doug and Kristi said...

You guys, your house looks SO GOOD! But really, I think you got ripped off because I would have painted it just for the pizza! Hmmm...what does that say about me?